Board of Directors Regular Meeting
North River School District #200
Date: August 21, 2023 Time: 5:30 p.m. Location: Library
ZOOM LINK: https://us()
1. Call to Order - Flag Salute
2. Roll Call
3. Executive Session: RCW 42.30.110 (H) 20 mins
4. Consideration of the Agenda
Approval of Minutes
Ā· Minutes of July 24, 2023
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Vouchers
5. Public Commentary on Agenda Items: Please limit comments to approximately three minutes. The Board cannot allow comments in regard to personnel or student discipline.
6. Reports
a. ASB Report- None
b. Superintendent's Report: ESD guests: April Kaech and Katie Kent
c. Director's Report
7. Finance
a. Business Manager's Report - None
b. Budget Status Report - see printout
c. Fund Balance Report - $413,733
d. Grant Claims
e. Travel
8. Old Business
a. Policy 1112
b. CMPS Proposal
9. New Business ACTION
a. Annual Invitation for ASB students (1250/1250 P)
10. Public Commentary on Agenda Items: Please limit comments to approximately three minutes. The Board cannot allow comments in regard to personnel or student discipline.
11. Other Business
Review of Agenda Items for Director's
Executive Session:
12. Adjourn ACTION