We share a common vision: Prepared for Life. Every Student Matters. Every Moment Matters.
District Policies & Reporting
Special Education
Notice of Special Education Procedural Safeguards for Students and Their Families
Discrimination & Accessibility
North River School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained guide dog or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
The following employees have been designated to handle questions and/or complaints of alleged discrimination:
Civil Rights Coordinators, Superintendent Winters, rwinters@nr.k1.wa.us
or Casandra Doll, cdoll@nr.k12.wa.us
Section 504 Coordinator, Superintendent Winters, rwinters@nr.k12.wa.us
Title IX Coordinator, Sean Pierson, spierson@nr.k12.wa.us
All above named persons may also be reached by phone, (360) 532-3079 or by appointment, at 2867 North River Rd, Cosmopolis, WA 98537.
Weapons Policy
It is a violation of district policy and state law for any person to carry a firearm or dangerous weapon on school premises, school-provided transportation or areas of other facilities being used exclusively for school activities.
The superintendent is directed to see that all school facilities post “Gun-Free Zone” signs, and that all violations of this policy and RCW 9.41.280 are reported annually to the superintendent of Public Instruction.
The following persons may carry firearms into school buildings, as necessary, although students engaged in these activities are restricted to the possession of rifles on school premises:
Persons engaged in military, law enforcement, or school district security activities;
Persons involved in a school authorized convention, showing, demonstration, lecture or firearm safety course;
Persons competing in school authorized firearm or air gun competitions; and
Any federal, state or local law enforcement officer.
The following persons over eighteen years of age and not enrolled as students may have firearms in their possession on school property outside of school buildings:
Persons with concealed weapons permits issued pursuant to RCW 9.41.070 who are picking up or dropping off students; and
Persons conducting legitimate business at the school and in lawful possession of a firearm or dangerous weapon if the weapon is secured within an attended vehicle, is unloaded and secured in a vehicle, or is concealed from view in a locked, unattended vehicle.
Persons may bring dangerous weapons, other than firearms, onto school premises if the weapons are lawfully within the person’s possession and are to be used in a school-authorized martial arts class.
Persons over eighteen years of age and persons between fourteen and eighteen years of age with written parental or guardian permission may possess personal protection spray devices on school property. No one under eighteen years of age may deliver such devices, nor may anyone eighteen years or older deliver a spray device to anyone under fourteen or to anyone between fourteen and eighteen who does not have parental permission.
Personal protection spray devices may not be used other than in self-defense as defined by state law. Possession, transmission or use of personal protection spray devices under any other circumstances is a violation of district policy.
School officials shall notify the appropriate law enforcement agency of known or suspected violations of this policy. Students who violate this policy shall be subject to discipline, including a one-year expulsion for a violation involving a firearm.
Cross References: Board Policy 3240
Student Conduct Board Policy 3241 Corrective Actions or Punishment
Legal References: RCW 9.41.280 Dangerous weapons on school grounds
RCW 9A.16.020 Use of force — when lawful
RCW 9.91.160 Personal Protection Spray devices
RCW 28A.600.420 Firearms on school premises, transportation, or facilities — Penalty — Exemptions
Management Resources:
Policy News, October 1997 Legislature also addresses “look-alike” firearms
Policy News, August 1998 State Encourages Modification of Weapons Policy
Adoption Date: May 16, 2007
North River School District