What to do if a Person is Symptomatic
This information is for K-12 schools, child care, and connected extracurricular activities.
If a person has one or more of these symptoms:
Fever of 100.4) or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste and smell
Cough (new, changed, or worsening)
Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose*
Isolate at home and test for Covid-19
If they test POSITIVE for Covid-19 you must isolate them at home.
They can return to school, child care, and activities after five days have passed since symptoms
first appeared if:
No fever within the past 24 hours (without medication) AND
Symptoms have significantly improved
Additionally, individuals should wear a mask when around others days 6-10**
If they test NEGATIVE for Covid-19
Return to school, child care, and activities if:
No fever within the past 24 hours (without medication)
Symptoms have significantly improved
If symptoms persist, retest every 24-48 hours through at least five days after symptoms started.
*If the child is under the age of two and ONLY has congestion/runny nose with no other symptoms, testing and
isolation is not required. If the child’s symptoms worsen or persist longer than five days it is highly
recommended to contact a healthcare provider.
**If you cannot wear a well-fitting mask: You should complete a full 10-day isolation at home.
What to do if you receive an exposure notification or think you have
been exposed to COVID-19
This information is for K-12 schools, child care, and connected extracurricular activities.
Regardless of vaccination status, use the following guidelines:
Continue to attend school, child care, and activities.
Monitor for symptoms for 10 days after exposure.
Should test as soon as possible after exposure.
Should wear a well-fitting mask for 10 days after exposure.
Does the exposed person develop symptoms within 10 days of
If they test POSITIVE for Covid-19 -isolate at home. They can return to school, child care, and activities
after 5 days have passed since symptoms first appeared if:
1. No fever within the past 24 hours (without medication) AND
2. Symptoms have significantly improved
Additionally, individuals should wear a mask when around others days 6-10*
If they test NEGATIVE for Covid-19 they may return to school, child care, and activities if:
1. No fever within the past 24 hours (without medication) AND
2. Symptoms have significantly improved
If symptoms persist, retest every 24-48 hours through at least 5 days after symptoms started.
They can continue to attend school, child care, and participate in all activities and:
1. Should wear a well fitting mask around others who are at high risk for getting very
sick with COVID-19 for 10 days after exposure.
2. Should test as soon as possible after exposure.
Did the exposed person test for Covid-19?
YES-and they tested positive for Covid-19
Isolate at home and they can return to school, child care, and activities after 5 days have passed since
symptoms first appeared if:
1. No fever within the past 24 hours (without medication) AND
2. Symptoms have significantly improved
NO-they can continue to attend school, child care, and participate in all activities and:
1. Should wear a well fitting mask around others who are at high risk for getting very
sick with COVID-19 for 10 days after exposure.
2. Retesting is recommended every 24-48 hours for 5 days after exposure
3. If symptoms develop, refer to page 1.